Singing Guide: Panic! At The Disco

Singing Guide: Panic! At The Disco

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Looking to learn singing like the amazing Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco? As the lead vocalist of Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie has a unique vocal style that sets him apart from other singers. Here are some tips on how to learn singing like Brendon Urie.

  1. Vocal Range

    Brendon has an impressive vocal range that spans four octaves. You can discover your own vocal range by taking the Vocal Range Test from Singing Carrots. This test will help you understand if you are an alto, soprano, bass or tenor.

  2. Control Your Voice

    Brendon's unique vocal style requires a lot of control, particularly in the high register. The Pitch Training tool from Singing Carrots can help you improve your pitch accuracy and control.

  3. Breath Support

    Breath support is essential for singing like Brendon Urie. Proper breathing techniques will help you maintain control and power your high notes. Explore the Singing Carrots articles on Breath Support to learn more about proper breathing techniques and how to build breath support.

  4. Focus on Articulation

    Brendon's vocal style requires good articulation skills. The Finger Bite exercise from Singing Carrots can help you improve your articulation skills and enunciation.

  5. Emotion Control

    Brendon is known for his high-energy performances and emotional connection to his music. Singing with emotion is key to capturing the essence of Brendon's style.

  6. Warm-Up Exercises

    Warm-up exercises are essential before you start singing. The Singing Carrots video on the 3 Minute Warm-Up provides simple exercises that can help you get ready to sing.

  7. Stage Presence

    Brendon is an incredible performer with amazing stage presence. Singing Carrots has an article on How to Overcome Stage Fright and Tips for Performing on Stage that can help you improve your confidence and stage presence.

Brendon Urie's unique vocal style is a combination of his impressive vocal range, control, good articulation, emotion control and fantastic stage presence. Here are some songs by Panic! At The Disco that showcase Brendon Urie's vocal technique:

  • "This Is Gospel"
  • "Emperor's New Clothes"
  • "Say Amen (Saturday Night)"
  • "Death Of A Bachelor"
  • "Impossible Year"

Use these tips, exercises and Practicing tools from Singing Carrots to learn singing like Brendon Urie. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training, Vocal Pitch Monitor, range test and singing course offers a comprehensive approach to perfecting your singing voice and style. Get started today!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.